
Stopping to smell the roses along the way

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Who gives you the right to judge
The right to condemn
The right to belittle, demean, deny and discard
The right to legitimise your inactions
The right to justify your actions
To the detriment of my own
Who gives you the right to dictate what is right
Therefore what is wrong
To be deaf and mute and call that Faith
To crusade and mission and call that God
To quote lines without thought
Words without meaning
Intent upon one’s own prophesies
To kill, to hurt, to cause pain discriminately
Indiscriminate senselessness
Blind and blinkered
Un-glorified vengeance  and spite
Chained paralytic of fear
Who gives you the right to hate for hate’s sake
Who dares to call that love
Tell me,

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Bobbing my headThen disappearing underneath the wave…again

Resurfacing spluttering

Daunted now

I feel myself drowning

I must remove this  burden

“Please’ I cry

The albatross

My living nightmare

The weight nailed to me


Torn fingers fruitlessly trying to rip it from its moor

Salt burns the wounds

Strength ebbs like the receding tide

One last fight

Losing battle for self-preservation

Oblivious to pain now

Numbed senses

Fading hope is my respiration

Another wave sends me to the depths

Turbid water disorient me

The weight drags me with the current 

pulling me deeper and deeper into its tow

Feet touch a grainy bottom

Lungs bursting

I push off


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My Soul’s Liberation

Waiting Waiting for it to happen

Wanting it to happen…

Desperately needing it

To come

Like the most perfect orgasm

Created for me, with me, in me

Building below timeless Infernos

Can taste it in my mouth

On the tip of my tongue

Waiting to spill its juices

Awaiting the first drop

First fruits to burst forth

I know it’s coming

Every fibre of my being, my spirit, tells me so

Preparing me to shed my skin

Ubiquitous release

What is it?

Vague shapeless indistinguishable form, helixed in kaleidoscopic thought

Ecstastical transformation to be unveiled

 Feel its life forming in me

Rising through me

 Hairs electrified


In anticipation

Rhythm’s ancestral voices pulverize my heart beats

And rise tsunamically towards




Mind blown liquified lava, spewing molten thoughts into volcanic ash

What is the Creator’s r-evolution propagating?
